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Cloud cover characterization using neuronal networks techniques PDF
Title:Cloud cover characterization using neuronal networks techniques
Financing agency: 
Universidad de Extremadura


July 2003 - July 2004


Carlos J. García Orellana
CAPI members: 4
Description:The project approaches one of the great problems of image processing, the segmentation. In particular, with this project we intend the construction of a tool, based on the development of neuronal networks, for the segmentation of satellite images of the Iberian Peninsula. This segmentation is made taking into account the existence of cloud cover and the differences between the types of clouds that integrate it. The departure images are received from the satellite METEOSAT in a primary station PDUS every half an hour.
The development of this tool will constitute the fundamental base of  collaboration with the group of meteorology of the University of Extremadura Physics Department, aiming the application of the previously proposed objective to the prediction of climatic models and the processing of radiation maps that can be used in so important aspects as the tourism, agriculture and the use of renewable energies, in particular, the solar energy.
In addition, it is planned that the constructed tool has immediate application to other similar problems related to remote sensing, fire detection, land and forest classification, classification of different soil types on the basis of certain characteristics for reforestation plans, etc.