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Universal behavior of crystalline membranes: Crumpling transition and Poisson ratio of the... (2016) PDF
Título:Universal behavior of crystalline membranes: Crumpling transition and Poisson ratio of the flat phase
Autores: R. Cuerno, R. Gallardo-Caballero, A. Gordillo-Guerrero, P. Monroy, J. J. Ruiz-Lorenzo


Physical Review E


 93(2) / 022111-1 / 022111-9
Ed./Año: American Physical Society, 2016
Abstract:We revisit the universal behavior of crystalline membranes at and below the crumpling transition, which pertains to the mechanical properties of important soft and hard matter materials, such as the cytoskeleton of red blood cells or graphene.  Specifically,  we perform large-scale Monte Carlo simulations of a triangulated two-dimensional phantom network which is freely fluctuating in three-dimensional space.  We obtain a continuous crumpling transition characterized by critical exponents which we estimate accurately through the use of finite-size techniques.  By controlling the scaling corrections, we additionally compute with high accuracy the asymptotic value of the Poisson ratio in  the  flat  phase,  thus  characterizing  the  auxetic  properties  of  this  class  of  systems.   We  obtain agreement  with  the  value  which  is  universally  expected  for  polymerized  membranes  with  a  fixed connectivity.


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