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Study of a mammographic CAD performance dependence on the considered mammogram set (2008) PDF
Título:Study of a mammographic CAD performance dependence on the considered mammogram set
Autores: Carlos J. García–Orellana, Ramón Gallardo–Caballero, Horacio M. González–Velasco,
Antonio García–Manso and Miguel Macías–Macías




30th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society
Publicación: Proceedings (ISBN 978-1-4244-1815-2)
Lugar:Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
Año:2008 (20-24 de Agosto)
Abstract:This work analyzes the influence of the set of mammograms used in the training processes of a computer aided diagnosis system on the overall performance. We used the mammograms provided by the Digital Database for Screening Mammography, one of the most extended research database. The obtained results seem to suggest an effect on the performance values obtained in a CAD system with different database ubsets. Therefore, in order to make valid comparisons between
CAD systems, the specification of the mammogram set used to test the system is of the outmost importance.

